The Living Change Podcast Brings Climate Action Into Focus
By Carmen Elena Mitchell, Larj Media Marketing Director
Do you find yourself asking "but what can I do about it?" when you read yet another a daunting headline about climate change? Even taking personal action in our own lives – recycling, cutting down on fossil fuel consumption, moving to a plant-based diet - can feel like a drop in an already drought-plagued bucket.
For climate influencer and author Andrea Learned, however, the answer is not just what we do in our daily lives but how we talk about what we do, and who does the talking.
Living Change: A Quest for Climate Leadership follows Andrea’s mission to amplify corporate, political and cultural leaders whose personal values have integrated into their business decisions and policies. From an LA area city council person who rides an eCargoBike for transportation to a vegan CFO who is forwarding deep organizational change in food waste and sustainability throughout the corporation to a globally recognized Seattle DJ who opened a plant-based bar.
“I found that I really enjoy talking with people in leadership roles about their own ‘conversion’ stories – I wonder what was the thing that caught their attention and started them towards some behavior change related to climate? Like riding a bike for transportation or moving towards a more plant-based diet. Often, no one has asked them those questions, and they really enjoy sharing.”
A global climate action influencer with a 25-year career in marketing, communications and thought leadership platform building, Andrea had gained early-career recognition as an expert on marketing to women with her co-authored book Don’t Think Pink. But it wasn’t until she first moved to Burlington VT in 2004, home of many socially responsible corporations, that she decided to put her marketing and writing skills, and her considerable social media following, to work for climate action in a more intentional way.
Andrea Learned records Living Change podcast at Larj Studios
“Leaders who are living change in their own lives and translating that to corporate and city decision-making can make a tremendous difference. My goal is to encourage them to speak out about their personal paths. Even a small number of leaders getting louder can be amplified in ways that make it seem like action on climate IS the leadership norm”
Now based in Seattle, Andrea approached Tina Nole, owner and chief creative officer of Larj Media, a podcast production agency. Larj has a proven track record of creating shows that aim to impact positive change, such as The B-Teams 10x Bolder, Senator Nina Turner’s Hello Somebody and Pitchfork Economics with Nick Hanauer.
“People who want to understand how they can help our planet reach for podcasts for two reasons: information and inspiration. Living Change will do both,” says Tina. “In addition, this podcast has the potential to create a community around it and foster discussions about actions that we can all take in our daily lives. We are honored to work with Andrea Learned, whose expertise on climate issues is matched only by her desire to create an accessible roadmap for change.”
Living Change premieres January 26, 2023. If you have a recommendation for a possible guest, feel free to contact us at